By Faith Not By Sight

We are a family that loves God and loves each other. Our family is built through, and so blessed by adoption. As a family we are lead to pray for the children who remain orphans with no family to call their own, no mom and dad to take care of them. When one face began to repeatedly appear to us, and many things kept connecting us to one little boy, we began to look closer at this one child in an orphanage in China. We began to listen to our hearts and pray harder. Fast forward to a year later. Our Pastor is teaching on circle prayers. Calling us to move to a higher level in our prayer life and faith. Bold prayers, "circle prayers", prayers that call us to step out in faith, without giving up. Pressing in to the heart of God. So circle prayers are what we are praying, for God to lead us and provide a way for us to bring this little boy home.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


We got "the call" yesterday that we got our LOA and it arrived by Fedex today. He's our son. We are moving forward with the paperwork in faith and really believing God has a plan. Everyone is praying for this little guy. He went so many years being out of site in a very small orphanage in a remote place where adoptions were not allowed. But God knew him. God never forgot him. God hasn't forgotten now. So many people are praying for him. Frankie, some day you will read this and you will know how much you matter, to God, to Mommy and Daddy, your brother and sisters, and to so many more people. You are so loved.  This will happen. My hubby is so full of faith. He keeps saying "God's going to provide". I will be very happy to get past this trial. It is Wednesday 11:45 raining and 62 in Shuyang right now. Not too cold yet thank goodness. I hope he is having a decent lunch. I wish so much he was tucked in and sleeping upstairs right now with a full tummy with his brother and sisters. I am very tired tonight and didn't get to enjoy the night time routine as much as I normally do. I love when they are all home and safely tucked in to bed. With all their blankies and pillows, Allie has enough in her bed with her I sometimes wonder how she fits. It's just a cool feeling knowing they are safe and tucked in for the night. I want him home. Tomorrow I will hit the paper work again. Get all the forms together that I need and fill out the last forms that are not yet filled out. I think we are winding down with that part anyway. If we are able to come up with the money and there aren't any delays he could be home in 3 months. That would be so good. Good night all. Good afternoon Frankie. We love you.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Love my children!

Just want to take a minute away from the stresses of the adoption finance crisis, and the upset of this election year, and my less than happy feelings about being from a very liberal state. Sorry, but that's the truth. They keep ripping my lawn signs down! Really?! I just want to look at the beautiful day, and love my hubby and kids. I love this picture from when we were at Finks Farm. That was before prayer walking through their Liam Strong corn maze. Joshua was in a bit of a rambunctious mood that day, so I was alternating, praying for Liam, praying for my sanity. I hate to admit it, but we cheated. We were just not getting out of there the correct way. Not that day anyway. I saw day light and went for it. Joshua was not happy with me. I love that Finks did this for such an awesome little guy. Keeping him in our prayers big time.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2:45 am

This will be a quick one since 7am is coming quickly. I got an email from my friend that had info for another grant agency. So I just stayed up working on more paperwork. :) Faith makes all things possible....not easy. I know there's a reason for all this.  I am going to continue working and praying. Please keep us in prayer as we try other avenues. My honey keeps saying "It's going to happen", "It's gonna happen". When I ask if he knows how, He says, "No"....."But it's gonna happen". Some day our son will be reading this, and he will know how much we all love him, and how badly we wanted him to be part of our family.

I love my kids

I shared with the kids two nights ago how we don't know where the finances are coming from to complete Frankie's adoption since the bank didn't approve the loan based on the home appraisal. This is a very difficult time and I felt I should let them know so we could be praying together as a family about this. This morning after I got them all out to school I went upstairs to straighten up and on my dresser was money and a note, "for mom, love Hannah". She had emptied her piggy bank out. I am so blessed by my beautiful children's hearts. Allie shared tonight at the dinner table that when asked at school who her hero was she said her daddy because he works so hard and for adopting Fu Quan......They have been praying faithfully for so long for this little guy that they know as their brother.  My friend got her letter of approval today. I am so happy for her and all the people that got there approvals today. This is the time we've all been waiting for. I would normally be jumping for joy because we were a week behind, so ours should be here any day now. With out the loan we don't have the money to move forward when it arrives. The sad thing is we were suppose to get this loan. The change in our home appraisal is because of forclosures. We wouldn't have any difficulty with the loan. And still I keep hearing from God that this adoption is meant to be. So I'm still claiming God's got this one. Believing and praying.

Monday, October 15, 2012

By Faith Not By Site

A door closed today. After prayer we are standing firm. This has always been a God thing. From day one. Things have not happened the way we thought they would. But then Joshua and Hannah didn't arrive the way we thought they would either and Allie arrived in God's perfect timing. God far out did any miracles we could ever have imagined. Hey, I started this blog and this journey with "circle prayers".  This is a big one. Going back to that lesson. I am so thankful to be taught by such an awesome leadership that's at Lambs Chapel. We were totally led there by God 8 yrs ago this month. We are grateful to be surrounded by such an awesome church. Really helpful in times like these. As Michael said today after he told me to not let fear in, "we're down but not out". I am still believing God is going to have the glory in this. And our little guy is not going to be left an orphan. It's in His Word, and I'm standing on it!  It has been really tough lately. Well, for a while now. Those that know us, we lost like half our family this year. In 15 days it will be the one year anniversary of Billy going to heaven. And now recently there's some things going on. It's weighing heavy on me. And I've been praying so hard for some things (people) that are on my heart. Thank God some of those prayers  are being answered :)  And there's that Amanda Todd girl that is all over face book and the internet, just really can't get her off my mind. How many other kids are there just like her out there. I pray to God that one never crosses my path without my noticing or trying to do something to help. Then, sitting in church yesterday, like a light going on, an Amanda that I use to know came to my mind. Actually her mom was a dear friend of mine from the past and she has been on my mind a lot lately. I have her picture sitting out for a few weeks now and I was remembering back to when she was here.  So Amanda just came to mind in the middle of the service yesterday, so I looked her up. My heart broke a little bit tonight. I remember learning when you are praying for people you have to pass it on to God. If you are getting weighed down, your holding on to things. So I am trying really hard to give it all to God. A very wonderful grandpa I use to know had made a plaque once that said "Give all your troubles to God, He'll be up all night anyway." So that's my thought for tonight as I try to get some sleep. Good night all.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Over 2 weeks later, 16 days, we still don't have good news. We are still praying and believing God has a plan. Saw a video last night of my little man from this past winter in the orphanage. All the kids were very bundled up as they do not have heat in the winters. I want him home before it gets real cold this winter. We are still getting all kinds of signs from God that it's all meant to be. Praying for that needed miracle. I have to daily remind myself that faith is believing in what is unseen and that God is in control.