By Faith Not By Sight

We are a family that loves God and loves each other. Our family is built through, and so blessed by adoption. As a family we are lead to pray for the children who remain orphans with no family to call their own, no mom and dad to take care of them. When one face began to repeatedly appear to us, and many things kept connecting us to one little boy, we began to look closer at this one child in an orphanage in China. We began to listen to our hearts and pray harder. Fast forward to a year later. Our Pastor is teaching on circle prayers. Calling us to move to a higher level in our prayer life and faith. Bold prayers, "circle prayers", prayers that call us to step out in faith, without giving up. Pressing in to the heart of God. So circle prayers are what we are praying, for God to lead us and provide a way for us to bring this little boy home.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Circle Prayers

A long time ago our Pastor taught a lesson in circle prayers. It was based on the book The Circle Maker written by Mark Batterson. At that time, we were praying about whether we were suppose to adopt Fu Quan. I remember Pastor saying write down something that is your circle prayer, circle it, and commit to praying about it. We wrote Fu Quan, first in a heart, then a circle. We committed to praying, continuously, seriously, without ceasing. After a while we knew we should move forward with adopting him. We were very excited and began working at the adoption process. Paperwork...saving....fundraising...paper work.... selling everything we could, and more and more paperwork. This was our circle prayer. A bold prayer. Something that was complete faith. Belief in that which is unseen. I thought our taking this step was the act of faith. It certainly was huge for us. We were more concerned about being obedient to what we felt God wanted us to do than what people thought about us. We have certainly subjected ourselves to much criticism. But also tremendous support from many. Now when I named this blog, the beginning of this journey, circle praying for Fu Quan. , I was thinking that because this was a very bold prayer and act of faith. Now fast forward to now, we were just denied the loan that we needed to complete the adoption. The second attempt. We were devastated at first. But after a lot of prayer we have decided to pray it through. The book goes on to say that circle prayers are when you are backed into a circle where the only way out is through a miracle from God. The focus of the book is not only to pray these bold purposeful prayers, but to pray them through. So whether I brought this on myself by naming this circle prayers, this is where we are right now. Committed to not just praying, but "praying it through". We still have not had to hold anything up due to lack of funds. We are so appreciative of everyone please covering this with prayer. I know there are a lot of awesome intercessors out there. We'd really appreciate the troops backing us up:)  Thanks guys.

Friday, November 16, 2012


We figured out and completed the next group of forms needed in this paper chase! A little confusing with 864's and 864W's. But all is well. It is on it's way via Fed Ex and should be there on Wednesday!

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Man on the news from Georgia

I am going to post this here because I want to post it some where, to remember. Days ago I was very moved by this man I saw on the news and in light of everything that is coming over the news after the election, I hold on to this one image. I really don't know how this relates, or how to explain what I am feeling, but here goes. After the hurricane, there was a man from Georgia that packed up a trailer with food, water, and supplies and headed up to NY to help the people that have lost everything. He cooked them grits and biscuits and wonderful Southern foods to comfort them and warm them in their time of need. I cry every time I think of him and that clip from the news. Then the election happens. I'm going to be honest. We, as a family, are devastated with the results.  We believe there was a lot at stake here. I feel as a nation we sold our souls, and a whole lot more, in the name of "tolerance". This was not the case of Republicans not getting their way. There have been many Democratic presidents in the past. The response was not one of what it is now. So with that being said, we dream of someday not living here. Somewhere that our vote will count. We relate to those feelings expressed from those in the "very red"  part of the country and look in disappointment at all the blue here. Maybe this man is a democrat from Georgia, I know they exist. And probably feel as we do being from NY. Maybe he is a Republican. I don't know. But when people are screaming they want "us" out of the country, I want to scream back, "But we're here too". Needed to get that off my chest and trying to not spout off on face book any more.:) And to that man from Georgia, what ever party you belong to, thank you. You are a very positive image in a very trying time. God bless you.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Through the storms

Boy have we been going through the storms. Literally. Through everything, when our children look back in history they will remember when hurricane Sandy hit the north east. How so many lost so much. How we all prayed, packed up and bought what ever we could to help and head out to see what we could do.Then the devastating election where mommy cried and daddy walked around for days waving his hands. Our country very much divided. And the snow storm with super winds causing us to once again lose power. My poor Hannah will probably never again venture into the bathroom without a flashlight in hand. I am heart sick over the election to the tune of spouting off to face book about how I really feel. Got some support from some awesome friends that share my concerns and faith. Pray hard, Work hard, Trust God. That's it. And keep moving forward trying to bring our boy home, with all we've got.