By Faith Not By Sight

We are a family that loves God and loves each other. Our family is built through, and so blessed by adoption. As a family we are lead to pray for the children who remain orphans with no family to call their own, no mom and dad to take care of them. When one face began to repeatedly appear to us, and many things kept connecting us to one little boy, we began to look closer at this one child in an orphanage in China. We began to listen to our hearts and pray harder. Fast forward to a year later. Our Pastor is teaching on circle prayers. Calling us to move to a higher level in our prayer life and faith. Bold prayers, "circle prayers", prayers that call us to step out in faith, without giving up. Pressing in to the heart of God. So circle prayers are what we are praying, for God to lead us and provide a way for us to bring this little boy home.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Eagerly went to the mailbox, knowing our USCIS approval would be there.....And it WASN'T!!!! I'm so sad. I truly hope this isn't going to mess up our plans of trying to do this Monday. We hoped to be in the city doing this today. "Let go and let God". I keep saying that. There's a reason for all this. Trying very hard to be patient. There's always tomorrow. If it's not here then, I just don't know. I guess we'll face that if it happens. For now, I'm going to really be hoping it will be in the mail tomorrow.

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