By Faith Not By Sight

We are a family that loves God and loves each other. Our family is built through, and so blessed by adoption. As a family we are lead to pray for the children who remain orphans with no family to call their own, no mom and dad to take care of them. When one face began to repeatedly appear to us, and many things kept connecting us to one little boy, we began to look closer at this one child in an orphanage in China. We began to listen to our hearts and pray harder. Fast forward to a year later. Our Pastor is teaching on circle prayers. Calling us to move to a higher level in our prayer life and faith. Bold prayers, "circle prayers", prayers that call us to step out in faith, without giving up. Pressing in to the heart of God. So circle prayers are what we are praying, for God to lead us and provide a way for us to bring this little boy home.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

God's awesome plan for our precious boy

I am feeling very humbled and in awe of how God is working in Quan's life, and ours. It is beyond miraculous how everything is happening. We are so close to having him home. This has been humbling and unbelievable. Only through God. I am so grateful to those that have also welcomed this little boy into their hearts, praying for him, and helping us get him home. When I have a while I want to document every detail of this whole journey. Because I don't want to forget all the many, I don't know whether to call them signs, that God has done through out this entire thing to show that He is the orchestrator of everything happening here. It's all about HIM. I am so humbled. And thankful.

Monday, January 21, 2013

News Report

I continually check the weather in Jiangsu to see what it's like where Frankie is. A report came up saying that China is experiencing one of the coldest winters in decades. That really got me upset and made me cry. I so wanted him to be home before another winter.   I can't wait to get there. Why does this process have to take so long!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

LOA & Article 5

The CCCWA has our article 5 and LOA. TA'a have been coming through pretty quickly so this means we may have our travel approval in less than 2 weeks!!! Oh my gosh!!! I'm not going to panic. It's all good. We are still missing some of the finances. Mainly the very large orphanage donation. I am by no means complaining about that. They desperately need it. I've seen the difference it makes in the children's lives. It is their main source of providing for all the needs of the children. They have been taking care of Frankie for over 9 and a half years. I bought him a coat and it arrived today. It is pretty cold where he lives, similar to our temperatures, and from what everyone is saying they don't have heat. Or they don't turn it on that often. The picture I have of him from last winter, he was inside, bundled up, but still looking so very cold. It's become a thing for me, that one of the first things I want to make sure he is warm! So when I was told I should probably bring a coat for him, I was very happy to get one. I also got him the coziest, warmest, pullover. The kids all love their blankies from when they were babies, this shirt is just like a comforting warm blanky. I still need to find him a hat and gloves. I hope I can find them with everything being on clearance already. Great for the budget though. It's all been about getting the money to complete his adoption. It is such a huge amount of money. If I think about the whole sum it would be overwhelming. Only through God. We knew we heard Him in this, and He has been so faithful. Miraculously. God has a plan for this little man. And we are so blessed that He chose us to be his parents. So I am not going to panic now. Be anxious for nothing.....that's getting a bit more challenging with time running down. But the thought of how close we are to finally meeting him and having him home. That is so wonderful.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Article 5

Our article 5 has been picked up from the US consulate in China. We now wait for our TA, which I think could be here in 3 or 4 weeks. There is so much to do. And still so much money to come up with. I am getting a little nervous......but very excited! I can't believe we are finally getting there. Michael and I were talking tonight, planning, as best we can, and I said the next time you return home from work is more than likely the last time you will be home before I go to China to bring Frankie home. Whheewwww. That put it into perspective. And then the butterflies started.  I have a lot to do!!! I wish so much he could know how close we are to coming. We don't know how long ago he was told about us, but we found out he knew this past July. So that is a very long time ago.  In about a month we will be at the one year mark from when we started. I just hope he is not getting upset with us because it takes so long.  And I really hope he hasn't given up that we are coming. I can't imagine how long this must feel like to a child. The children are getting so excited. They are telling everyone at school and planning for Frankie's home coming.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jeremiah 29:11

Years ago we hung a plaque that has always been on the center wall of our home. It is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you.....plans to give you a hope and a future". This scripture has meant so much to us as a family. We have believed this and prayed this over each of our children. I began praying this over Fu Quan, sometimes in tears as things were getting very difficult with his adoption. As things began to seem impossible I prayed this and Michael and I refused to give up. Michael would say we are not suppose to give up, just try harder. Nothing is impossible with God. About a month ago, we still needed about $18,000. I was really starting to get desperate. I called everyone and reached out to everyone I could think of for suggestions and prayers, I didn't care how desperate I looked or felt. We have to get him home. I called  Show Hope, FTIA. Show Hope prayed for us and suggested I call the American Christian Credit Union. Then Betty helped us also and gave us the information for two groups that help families bring their children home. One was A Child Waits, the other was the Jeremiah 29:11 Project. I immediately felt God's peace and assurance that one way or another everything would be O.K. and we would come up with exactly what is needed to bring Fu Quan home. Fast forward one month.....The American Christian Credit Union has given us a loan for part of what we need, and we just found out today that The Jeremiah 29:11 Project is helping us with a grant!!! Praise God!! We're still not there, but we are closer!! We are about 12,000 closer than we were a month ago!!! Circle prayers....praying hard, refusing to give up!  With about 2 months to go, we are very hopeful. All the prayers are working. God is good. The support we have felt from everyone amazing! Thank you so much. We are so close to finally having him home!!! It's been such a long time. I can't wait to finally meet him! To see the personality behind those photos! To tuck him in at night! To know he is safe, very loved, and our son.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Quick Figuring

So I've been doing some calculating. Our paperwork arrived at the consulate on the 2nd, is due to be released on the 16th as an article five. Then we wait for our TA!!! So, with all the figuring I am doing, I'm guessing we will be going to China to bring Frankie home somewhere in the last week of Feb. or first week in March. With there being only 28 days in Feb., March 1st would be perfect. And we've only had one needed document expire. I need to get moving to do another power of attorney. Seems simple......but...... after getting one, it has to be certified through the county, then the state, then the Chinese consulate. So I best get moving! We are on the final part of this very long endeavor to bring Frankie home. His grandpas aren't with us anymore to see him make it home. But I feel some how they know. It won't be long, now. Still short in finances. Kind of very short. But no where near where we had been. I've been doing a lot of figuring with that too. It's hard not knowing what airfare will actually cost since that is such a big part of the expense. But no matter how I look at it we seem to be around 6 to 7 thousand short still. I am very concerned about the $5600 needed for the orphanage donation. I still don't know how we are coming up with that. That is such an important part though. They need that money. I do have a peace about everything. It's been so amazing to see God's provision through this whole process. He's been amazing, and so faithful. So I can't question or doubt now. This little boy is suppose to be with us. We knew it then, we know it now. We've come this far. Not going to stop now. Good morning precious Frankie, it's 10pm here, but 10am in Jiangsu. Love you